Titolo dell'articolo
cerebral localization of the mind and higher functions the beginnings | eliaz engelhart |
revisiting the contributions of paul broca to the study aphasia | ronald lazar |
carl wernicke´s localization theory and its significance for the developmente of scientific psychiatry | m. lanczink, g. keil |
hughlings jackson´s neurological ideas | george k. york, david steiberg |
electric excitability of teh cerebrum | g. fritsh, e. hitzing |
experimental investigations into the functions of the human brain | robert bartholow |
representacion somatico motora y sensorial en la corteza cerebral del hombre estudiada con estimulacion electrica | wilder penfield, edwing boldrey |
clinton woosley: pionero en el mapeo cerebral funcional | miembros de la universidad missury |
the mental imagenery in the motor context | |
deficits in cortico espinal control of strech reflex therbolds in stroke: implications for motor impairment | daniel piscitelli, et |
reorganization of cortical of the hand following altarationof skin inpunts induced by nerve injury, skin island transfers and experience | michael merzenich, willian jenkins |
lower motor nuron finding after upper motor neuron injury; insights from posterative suplementary motor area sindrome | jefrey florman |
somatosensory cortical map changes following digit amputation in adult monking | michael merzenich |
effects of enviromental complexity and training on brain chemistry and anatomy: a replication and extension | rosenzweing |
plasticidad cerebral – bases terapeuticas | michael merzenich |
paul broca´s historic cases: highh resolution mr imaging of the brains of leborgne and lelong | n. f.. dronkers |
plasticidad en la representacion de la frecuencia de la corteza auditiva primaria despues del entrenamiento de discriminacion en monos buhos adultos | merzenich |
reorganization of neocortical reprsentations after brain injury: a neurophysiological model of the base of recovery from stroke | merzenich |
pigeons discrimination of painting by monet and piccaso | shideuru watanabe |
role of adaptative plasticity in recovery of function after damage to motor cortex | randolph j. nudo |
reorganizacion topografica de las areas somatosensoriales 3b y 1 en monos adultos despues de la desaferentacion restringida | merzenich |
functional reorganisation of the corticalmotor of the projection to the hand in the skilled racquet players | alex j. pearce |
two representations of the hand in area 4 of primate i motor output organization | jasmen preston, peter strick |
constraints on somatotopic organization in the primary motor cortex | marc schieber |
the discovery of motor cortex and its background | charles g, gross |
bilateral cortical representation of the trunkmidlinbe in human fist somatic sensory area | mara fabri |
hemiplegic shoulder pain: evidence of a neuropatic origin 2012 | zeiling g |
the body in the brain; neural bases of corporeal awareness | giovani bertlucci |
complex movements evoked by microstimulation of precentarl cortex | michaels. a. graziano |
more hippocampal neurons in adult mice living in an enriched environment | kemperman, cage |
cross-modal plasticity early blidness | maurice ptito |
neurogenesi in the adult human hippocapus | peter eriksson |
te timing of mentally represent actions | decety, jeanerod, prablanc |
aphatya, not depressive symtoms, asa predictor of semantic and pphonemic | keera. n, fishman |
from de gate to the neuromatrix | melzack y wall |
efectos del entrenamiento motor repetitivo en el movimiento: representacion en monos ardilla adultos, papel de uso contra el aprendizaje | erick j. plautz |
phantom-limb pain as a perceptual correlate of cortical reorganization following arm amputation | h. floor, t. elbert |
phantom limb pain: a case of maladaptive cns plasticity? | herta flor, lone nikolajsen |
cortical origin of pathological pain | jhon harris |
simulating sensory-motor incongruence in healthy volunteers: implications for a cortical model of pain | mccabe |
is successful rehabilitation of complex regional pain syndrome due to sustained attention to the affected limb? a randomised clinical trial | moseley |
the modulation of motor cortex excitabilyti during motor imagenery depends on imagenery quality | florent lebont |
capacities of humans and monkeys to discrimate frequency and amplitude : a correlation betwen neural events and pasycophysical measurements | robert. h. lamotte, vernom moutscastle |
the mind of expert motor perfomance iscool and focused | milton |
phantom limbs and neural plasticity | ramachandran |
plasticity of the sensorimotor cortex representation of the raeding finger in braile readers | alvaro pascual- leone |
multisensory processing after a brain damage: clues on post- injury crossmodalplasticity from neuropsychology | nadia bolognini, silvia convento |
cross_modal plasticity results in increased inhibition in primary auditory cortical areas | yu ting mao, sarah l. pallas |
neuronal production, migration, and differentiation in a vocal control nucleus of the adult female canary brain, proc. natl. acad. sci. | goldman s.a., nottebohm f. |
. do imagined and executed actions share the same neural substrate? | decety j |
experience-dependent adult cortical plasticity requires cognitive association between sensation and reward | david t. blake, mark a. helser |
functional reorganization of primary somatosensory cortex in adult owl monkeys after behaviorally controlled tactile simulation | jenkins, merzenich |
reorganization of somatosensory area 3b representations in adult owl monkeys after digital syndactyly | jenkins, merzenich |
learning transfer and neuronal plasticity in humans trained in tactile discrimination | merzenich |
electric excitability of the cerebrum, epilepsy & behavior. | fritsch g., hitzig e.. |
use-dependent alterations of movement represenattions in primary motor cortex of adult squirrel monkeys | r. j. nudo |
plasticity in the frequency representation of primary auditory cortex following discrimination training in adult owl monkeys | merzenich |
progressive improvement in dicriminative abilities in adult owl monkeys performing a tactile frequency discrimination task | merzenich |
topographic reorganization of the hand representation in cortical area 3b of owl monkeys trained in a frequency-discrimination task | merzenich recanzone |
effects of environmetntal complexityand training on brain chemistry and anatomy: a replication and extension | rosenzweig, krech |
anomalous sensations following prolonged tactile simulation | james c. craig |
phantom -limb pain as a perceptual correlate of cortical reorganization following am amputation | h. flor, t. elbert |
phantom- limb pain: a case of maladaptive cns plasticity? | herta flor, lone nikolajsen |
diaschisis, stroke. | feeney d m., baron j. c. |
simulating sensory-motor incongruence in healthy volunteers: implications for a cortical model of pain | c. s. mccabe, r. c. haigh |
neurogenesis in the adult human hippocampus, nature medicine. | eriksson p. s. et al. |
pain mechanisms: a new theory | ronald melzack, patrick wall |
the mcgill pain questinnaire: major prperti and scoring methods | ronald melzack |
paul broca’s historic cases: high resolution mr imaging of the brains of leborgne and lelong, brain. | dronkers n. et al. |
pain and the neuromatrix in tehe brain | ronald melzack |
the neurophysiological basis of motor imagery. behavioural brain research. | decety j. |
neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of the adult tree shrew is regulated by psychosocial stress and nmda receptor activation, the journal of neuroscience. | gould e. et al. |
learning enhances adult neurogenesis in the hippocampal formation, nature neuroscience. | gould e. et al. |
the relationship of corpus callosum connections to electrical stimulation maps of motor, supplementary motor, and the frontal eye fields in owl monkeys. j comp neurol. | gould h. j. et al. |
complex movements evoked by microstimulation of precentral cortex, neuron. | graziano m. s. a., taylor c. s. r. |
place navigation impaired in rats with hippocampal lesions, nature. | morris r. g |
use-dependent alterations of movement representations in primary motor cortex of adult squirrel monkeys, the journal of neuroscience | nudo r. j. et al. |
more hippocampal neurons in adult mice living in an enriched environment, nature. | kempermann g. et al |
activation of a cerebellar output nucleus during cognitive processing, science. | kim s.g. et al. |
in search of occipital activation during visual mental imagery, trends neurosci. | kosslyn s.m. |
navigation-related structural change in the hippocampi of taxi drivers, pnas. | maguire e. a. et al. |
modulation of muscle responses evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation during the acquisition of new fine motor skills, journal of neurophysiology. | pascual-leone a. et al |
plasticity of the sensorimotor cortex representation of the reading finger in braille readers, brain. | pascual-leone a., torres f. |
conditioned reflexes. an investigation of the physiological activity of the cerebral cortex, oxford university press: humphrey milford, oxford. | pavlov i. |
effects of environmental complexity and training on brain chemistry and anatomy, journal of comparative and physiological psychology. | rosenzweig m. r. et al, |
two representations of the hand in area 4 of a primate. i. motor output organization, j neurophysiol. | strick p. l., preston j. b. |
motor cortical activity preceding a memorized movement trajectory with an orthogonal bend | james ashe, masato taira |
mental imagery in the motor context | m. jeannerod |